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The faculty and staff of the Center for Undiagnosed Diseases facilitates education of trainees in a number of venues:
- Internal Medicine residents gain exposure to the CUD through the highly-ranked Genomic Medicine and Undiagnosed Diseases residency rotation directed by Matthew Wheeler.
- Genetic Counseling master’s students are trained through the Undiagnosed Diseases Genetic Counseling Rotation directed by Jennefer Kohler.
- Medical, graduate, and advanced undergraduate students can enroll in the fall-quarter course “Diagnostic Odysseys in Medicine” (MED 244) to learn about techniques and technologies at the forefront of medicine, directed by Jason Hom.
- Students looking for a more hands-on elective can enroll in the “Workshop to End Diagnostic Odysseys” (MED 239) directed by Matthew Wheeler, to learn and apply case-solving techniques to real-world undiagnosed cases.
Related Publications
Developing a genomics rotation: Practical training around variant interpretation for genetic counseling students
Grove ME, White S, Fisk DG, Rego S, Dagan-Rosenfeld O, KohlerJN, Reuter CM, Bonner D; Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA, Ormond KE, Hanson-Kahn AK. J Genet Couns. 2019;28:466-476. PMID:30706981. Full text
Genomics in medicine: a novel elective rotation for internal medicine residents
Geng LN, Kohler JN, Levonian P; Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bernstein JA, Ford JM, Ahuja N, Witteles R, Hom J, Wheeler M. Postgrad Med J.2019 Oct;95(1128):569-572. PMID:31439813. Full text